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He sounds like Oswald Spengler
Mole or Savior?, written by Arnaud de Borchgrave, was published in the Washington Times in September. According to de Borchgrave,
In a televised debate with France's then Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy late last year, Mr. Ramadan declined to condemn "lapidation" -- the stoning of adulterous wives as mandated by a strict interpretation of the Koran. Instead, Mr. Ramadan said he favored a "moratorium" in the practice.
Another interesting piece of the article:
The 21st century, [Ramadan] says, will see a second role reversal between Islam and the West: "The West will begin its new decline, and the Arab-Islamic world its renewal" and ascent to seven centuries of world domination after seven centuries of decline.The fully European Islam, he predicts, presupposes a violent upheaval against the Western values Mr. Ramadan rejects. But he quickly cushions the supposition with hosannas to democracy and free expression. He is a past master of dissimulation and disinformation.
Shades of Oswald Spengler! Ramadan's assertions sure remind one of Spengler's "Decline of the West" thesis. Of course, one main difference is that Spengler didn't exactly support the Nazis, whereas Islamist nuts think old Adolph was just swell. Mein Kampf in Arabic, anyone?
This disturbing view is nearly equivalent to the historicism that Karl Popper refuted in the Poverty of Historicism. Obviously the two are not equivalent; Ramadan/Islamist historicism doesn't really need human beings to discern the rhythms and "laws" of history or civilizational development. No need to discuss this further as the Cornell Review has already done it for me.
Even more claptrap as per M. de Borchgrave:
Mr. Ramadan speaks the language of Europe's intellectual left. A frequent lecturer in U.S. universities, his brilliantly articulate perorations mesmerize his liberal fans. "Only Islam can achieve the synthesis between Christianity and humanism, and fill the spiritual void that afflicts the West." All good people are implicitly Muslims, he maintains, "because true humanism is founded in Koranic revelations."
Not exactly a strong argument in favor of religious pluralism. I suppose his dissertation didn't include any required readings on Christian humanists like Erasmus or Thomas Aquinas.
Wow! Even more:
"Today the Muslims who live in the West must unite themselves to the revolution of the anti-establishment groups from the moment when the neoliberal capitalist system becomes, for Islam, a theater of war," is another thunderclap [by Ramadan] that says "jihad" to his detractors and sweet reasonableness to his fans.
Workers, er, Islamists of the world unite! Wonder how well they'll get along with the women proletariat who would rather keep the chador at home?
And finally this gem:
Muslim identity is the only true source of universality, proclaims Tariq Ramadan. "It will fill the spiritual void that afflicts the West."
Hmm - not much room for religious plurality there. Wonder if Monk Malloy knows about that one. Doesn't seem to jibe with the University of Notre Dhimmi's Mission Statement. And wait - it is the only true source of universality? Where is George Soros with his love of Karl Popper's Open Society and Its Enemies on that? Isn't Ramadan essentially positing a statement as the "truth" and forbidding any dissent? Why isn't it in a falsifiable framework? I'll let the Cornell Review handle this point too as the Bloviator Soros hasn't got a clue about Popper.
October 23, 2004 | Permalink
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